Acquirer  Of Charged-off Consumer Loans & Debt Assets

Akass Group purchases portfolios of delinquent , distressed and non – performing consumer loans from many different leading major banks , financial institutions, credit card companies, retail banks, telecommunication companies , utility providers and with municipalities and government entities  and partners with individuals as they repay their obligations, past overdue and work toward financial freedom.

The types of accounts we purchase include Credit and Store cards, Retail Finance, Unsecured and Asset Backed loans including Hire Purchase, Leasing, Personal Loans and Mortgage Shortfalls. With on-the-ground Asset Acquisition Experts throughout the Akass Group network , our Team supports clients around the United Kingdom and in Malaysia in the areas of asset buying for Cash.

Through this financial recycling process, and based upon due diligence, we buy portfolios of distressed or charged-off consumer receivables and place these accounts with our Financial Restructuring and Resolution Centre.

Akass Group has distinct market advantages as a debt acquirer in the United Kingdom due to its comprehensive analytical functions used for loans purchasing as well as a long track record of substantial and profitable asset purchases made over the last decade.

“Unique in-depth expertise and long experience in all kinds of consumer loans & debt asset acquisition deals.”

We look to purchase charged-off consumer loans & debt asset portfolios.

If you have accounts or portfolios for sale, please contact our office.

To speak to one of our Asset Acquisition Partners now, please don't hesitate to contact us. Please get in touch with us.

International Conflict, Dispute Settlement Negotiation
& Problem Solving Experts

We are not solicitors, a firm of solicitors, nor do we purport to be a firm of solicitors.